Join Our Local Directory

Reach consumers in Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Rochester, and beyond! List your business or nonprofit for FREE, then unlock premium benefits for a low monthly fee.

How to Get Listed

Getting listed on WNY Biz Board is easy! Simply fill out our submission form; once approved, your listing will go live on our website within 1-2 business days.

Who Can Join Us?

Your organization can be listed if you:

Organizations outside these regions or those involved in restricted or illegal activities will not be listed. For more details, please see our Listing Guidelines and Terms of Service.

Compare the Benefits


Premium Listing Pricing


Cancellation Policy

Cancel your premium listing anytime through our Stripe customer portal. Cancellations will take effect at the end of the current billing cycle. All premium listings are non-refundable.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are there Benefits to Premium Listings?

Yes, there are! For less than 58 cents a day, a premium listing offers your organization features designed to boost your online visibility on Google and social media.


How Many Monthly Users Visit The Directory?

WNY Biz Board connects thousands of local users each month with hundreds of businesses and nonprofits in our directory. Our advertising and marketing efforts ensure that most users are from Western New York and the Finger Lakes.

Is My Listing Optimized for Google?

With a Premium Listing, you gain built-in SEO features to help rank on Google and other search engines. By including high-quality images and a keyword-rich description, you can maximize your online exposure and attract more consumers.

Free Listing

  • Basic Placement in Our Directory and Relevant Sub-Directories
  • Add News, Events, and Deals to Our Website
  • Featured Listing Post on Our Social Media Handles
  • Listing Page with Logo, Description, Location, and Contact Information
  • Email & Phone Links
  • Links to Your Website and Social Media Handles
  • 1 Industry Link
  • Up to 10 Gallery Images
  • Highlight 3 Offerings/Services

Note: Free Listings get you found on the WNY Biz Board website, but Premium Listings can make your listing visible on Google.

Premium Listing

All Free Listing features plus:

  • Priority Placement in Our Directory and Relevant Sub-Directories
  • Built-In SEO Features to Help Your Listing & Updates Rank on Google
  • Feature News, Events, and Deals Directly on Your Listing Page and Our Social Media Handles
  • Links to Your Booking Site, Online Store, and Donation Page
  • Hours of Operation
  • Up to 3 Industry Links
  • Ownership and Service Attributes
  • Up to 25 Gallery Images
  • Highlight 10 Offerings/Services
  • Access to New Features/Benefits
Note: Features, benefits, and pricing are subject to change without notice.

Nonprofit Listing

$7.99 /month
Available to 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations!

Business Listing

$15.99 /month
Available to businesses and freelancers!

2 Business Listings

$29.99 /month
Available to businesses with 2 locations!

Franchise Package

$39.99 /month
Available to businesses with 3-5 locations!

Need More Than 5 Listings?

Contact for custom pricing!